July 2, 2014

Session II , format and rules refresher

Hello everyone

Session II started this week. We have a lot of new players joining in so just wanted to send some reminders about league rules. All these rules are also listed on our site.

Matches need to be played and reported by Monday night . Scores need to be emailed to designated person that updates your division (see top of the schedule page to find out who covers your division). Unreported matches will be recorded DNP (did not play)
Players are allowed to take an extension and play their match  on Tuesday. You are allowed to take 2 extensions per a session and you have to request that extension by Monday night deadline by emailing league organizer in charge of your division. Aside from taking this one day extension, matches can not be postponed but they can be played early ahead of schedule.

Deadlines are firm and they will be enforced without exceptions.

Setting up matches

Players need to be proactive and start arranging  matches early in the week. Please be prompt at responding to your opponent's emails (within 24 hours at latest). Good email communication will be the key in completing your matches on time. Starting that email exchange late in the week will greatly reduce your chances of finishing matches on time. Weather is a big factor and also summer is such a busy time for everyone that  finding day and time that works best for both players can sometimes be challenging.

If you have hard time reaching someone please let me know.

We ask both players to bring a new can of balls to every match. A racket spin before the match determines whose balls are used for the match.

Incomplete matches
Sometimes your schedules don't match up well and you just can't complete a match on time. These matches can be recorded as forfeits ( if one of the two players forfeits)  or DNP (did not play) if neither player feels like they should forfeit.
We hope that players who had limited availability will show good sportsmanship and  forfeit matches on their own so their opponents don't get penalized by  a DNP score. 
Forfeit is recorded as 6-0,6-0. Player that forfeits gets 0 points and his opponent 3 points.
DNP (did not play) is another score for incomplete matches. This one penalizes both players  by taking 0.5 points from their total.
DNP should be recorded if both players had some availability  but the were still unable to play, or if neither player was available. .  
We try not to force forfeits so if neither player forfeits outcome will most likely be DNP. 

If you plan to be away on vacation for a week or two, we recommend trying to get your matches in ahead of time. You can play any time before that designated week. Otherwise if you are away whole week you are expected to forfeit.

Session II format
Session II has a round robin format, you get to play everyone in your division once. 
If two players end up with same number of points at the end of the session, their head to head score determines who is ahead. You will notice that during the session game differential sorts players in the standings tables but at the end we look at head to head match and then adjust the tables if needed. Game differential is a tiebreaker if players had a DNP OR 1-1 score in their head to head match.
Tie score is very rare , we wanted to have that option if it gets dark and you can't play third set or for any other reason you have to cut your match short. For a tie score to be valid both players need to agree to call it a tie.This score awards 1 point to each player.
Ten point tiebreaker is also allowed if both players agree to it.

Playing  a full third set is expected and encouraged by the league but in some rare situations players can agree to replace it with a 10 point tiebreaker. If just one player wants to play a full third set, a full third set is to be played or the other player has to forfeit.

Final session II standings will be used to set up brackets and seeds for session III.  In men's league we normally set up upper bracket which includes top 32 players, and lower 32. For example top D1 player will be seed #1, bottom player in D4 will be seed #32. Session III has a tournament format with consolation rounds for players that lose a match. So we still keep playing once a week through session III.

Women's league will have everyone in one bracket for session III. 

Hope this note clarifies some league rules and our set up.Pleas email me if you have any questions.

Have a great week and good luck in your first round matches. 


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