Eleventh season of The Rochester Tennis League starts April 25th.
We have another great turnout this year with 141 players registered so far in various RTL branches (men's singles, women's singles, doubles and causal division). Thank you all for being part of it. I hope you will have a great summer playing tennis and meeting other local tennis enthusiasts.
Singles league schedule is ready and posted on our web site www.rochestertennisleague.com
Placing players to divisions for the first session is always a difficult task. We have a good number of new people and a few that missed session 3 but played session 1 and 2. I did the best I could to place everyone to a competitive divisions by looking at your past scores and pre-season matches. I am sure a few of you are placed a bit lower then expected but you will have an opportunity to move up by winning one of the top two places.
Please check your schedule for possible errors, like playing someone twice or your name showing twice in one round.
I tried to finish the schedule a bit ahead of the official start date to give you more time to complete the first round matches should you decide to play early.
The weather is always challenging this time of the year so taking advantage of a nice day or two and playing first round match early (before April 25th) might be a good idea to some of you.
Session I officially starts April 25th and first round matches need to be reported by Monday night May 2nd.
Reporting scores
Please email your scores as soon as you complete your matches to your designated person (see below).
Division 1 and 2 email scores to Dave P rochestertennis1@gmail.com
Divisions 3 and 4 email your scores to John F johnrf64@gmail.com
Divisions 5 and 6 to Andrew F faller.andrew@gmail.com
Divisions 7 and 8 to Maksim at maksimlecic@hotmail.com
Division 9 to Soudabeh soudabeh.kargar@gmail.com
Women's league (both divisions) please report to Merry at merrysnowshine@gmail.com
Deadline to report your scores is 11:59pm Monday.
Players are allowed to take one day extension and finish their match on Tuesday. Extensions need to be requested by Monday night deadline and scores need to be reported by 11:59pm Tuesday. Players are allowed to take 2 extensions per a session.
Scores sent after the deadlines WILL NOT be accepted and matches will be recorded DNP (FTR) did not play/ failure to report.
Matches can be played ahead of time but they can't be postponed. To make it fair to everyone this rule will be enforced without exceptions. Please don't ask for your scores to be recorded after the deadline. We won't be making any exceptions.
Assistant organizers entering the scores won't be sending email reminders about your pending scores.
Players will have to take responsibility for reporting their results. Casual division would probably be a better fit for those that play matches but don't care to send the scores.
Contact info / scheduling matches
I suggest getting in touch with your opponent early in the week to allow yourselves enough time to find a day and time that works for both players . As returning players know, setting up matches around different schedules and bad weather can sometimes be a challenging process. Players that are gone for an entire week are welcome to play their matches ahead of time. Otherwise they will have to forfeit. Incomplete matches can be recorded as DNP (did not play) or forfeit. We hope that players will show good sportsmanship and forfeit matches on their own when they feel they were not available enough during a particular week. Forfeit matches are recorded 0-6,0-6. DNP (did not play) score is used when match didn't get completed due to mutual unavailability. DNP penalizes both players by deducting 0.5 points from their total.
Your contact lists are posted on the links below. Please check your info to make sure it's correct and save this link since you will be using it throughout session I.
Women's league contact list:
Men's/co-ed contact list:
Score keeping / format etc
Matches are played to win in three sets with an option for players to agree to stop playing at 1-1 and call it a tie. So possible scores will be:
2-0 (winner gets 3 points, loser gets 0 points)
2-1 (winner gets 3 points, loser gets 0.5 points )
1-1 (each player gets 1 point) both players must agree to stop playing at 1-1
DNP (match not completed on time, both players get 0.5 points deducted from their total
DNP (FTR) (DNP failure to report, players failed to report score, both players lose 0.5 points)
FORFEIT (Player that forfeits gets 0 points his opponent 3 points match recorder 6-0,6-0)
If set score is 6-6 players play a tie break (first to win 7 points with two points differential).
The league encourages players to play a full third set, but in special situations a 10 point tiebreaker (instead of a full 3rd set) is allowed if both players agree to it.
Session I has a round robin format. You will get to play against 7 other players in your division. Top two players in each division will be moving a level up and bottom two will be dropping a level down for the next session. Head to head score will be a tiebreaker if two players end up with same number of points.
Matches are played on local public courts with free access. Each player needs to bring a can of unused balls, racket spin is done before the match to determine who provides the balls for that match.
Running late?
Players should be punctual and show up at agreed time. If your opponent is more then 15 minutes late you can take off and record a forfeit win. No shows are strongly discouraged and multiple instances of not showing up may lead to suspension from the league.
Have a great week and see you out on the courts.
Maksim Lecic
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