April 27, 2015

Session I starts

Hello RTL members, 

The Rochester Tennis League kicks off  it's 10th season today. Thank you all for participating. Hopefully this will be another great season filled with many fun and exciting matches.  

 It seems like the weather will finally be favorable to tennis this week . First round matches are due Monday night. Session I schedule has  been posted at www.rochestertennisleague.com

Open spots
Due to some last minute cancellations we still have a few open spots. We can take 2 more  players in the women's singles (division 1), one in men's singles (division 8), and one team to play doubles. If any of you are interested in these spots or you know someone who is let me know.

Reporting scores
Please make sure you  email your scores to the person who updates  scores for  your division (organizers entering scores are listed on the schedule page). All unreported matches by Monday night deadline will be recorded as DNPs, so please make sure you send them on time since we won't be sending reminders. If you were not able to play, let us know if one of you forfeits or if it should be a DNP. Matches can be played early but can't be postponed.
For details about scheduling rules, score keeping, etc  visit link below

As always I suggest contacting your opponent early in the week to allow yourselves enough time to complete your match before deadline.
Please respond to your opponents in timely manner (within 24 hours). 
Email me if you are having hard time reaching someone.

We suggest spinning the racket twice. Once for the serve and once to determine whose balls will be used for the match. Players are advised to bring a new can to every match. Whoever loses the spin provides balls for that match. 

High school courts
Just a reminder that  high school tennis season is in progress. If you plan to play at Mayo, JM or Century, checking their calendar  first  might be a good idea. 

Have a great opening week and let me know if you have any questions. 

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