April 14, 2012

Session I

Hello everyone

We are getting closer to the beginning of the season. Our official start date for the doubles league is April 17/18th, and singles should start on April 23rd. We have 64 people in the main singles league, 16 in women's , and 35 in doubles. This will be another record breaking participation and I hope the singles league will keep going strong through its 7th season . I also have high hopes for the new doubles division. This first session of the doubles will be a good test to see if we can make it work. We got a pretty dedicated group and I am sure they will try their best to complete matches on time. The turnout has been great and hopefully the doubles league will take off and become as popular as singles.

Your doubles schedule has already been posted and contact info has been sent to you. Email addresses are on the site as well.

Session I singles schedule is ready as well and you can view it on the link below

The women's league schedule is posted on the link below

You can schedule and play your round 1 matches even before our official start date (April 23rd). If you plan to be out of town later in the session, this week would be good time to play your match early so you don't have to forfeit later. Since the schedule is posted a week ahead of the start date we practically have 14 days to get the first round done.

As always, I strongly advise players to get in touch early in the week to arrange when and where they want to play. Starting your communication later in the week will drastically limit your opportunities. Keep in mind that weather is often a factor and your opponents might not be open over the weekend. Quick and timely e mail/phone communication will be crucial. This year players are required to submit phone numbers as well so it should help us communicate better. Just like before, matches need to be played and reported by Monday night. Please refer to the rules section of our main web site for more details about scheduling , score keeping and format.
Matches can be played ahead of time but they can't be postponed. The deadlines and rules will be enforced without exceptions.

The men's league is divided in 8 levels/divisions . I tried to consider as many factors as I could to divide you all up so matches end up being close and competitive. I am sure it's not ideal and some players might feel they should have been placed higher. Good thing is that they will have a chance to move up a level if they win top 2 places in their division . We probably have 40 players at the same level and I am sure a few of those middle divisions will be pretty similar strength.

Assistant organizers
As the league expands , updating scores is becoming more demanding work. So just like last season , couple of people will be helping me enter scores and update standings. They are both very dedicated players and big proponents of the league. I am sure all of you will appreciate their help as much as I do.

Dave Pewowaruk will be helping me enter the scores for the singles league. He will be in charge of Divisions 1, 7 and 8. Players competing in these 3 divisions will email their scores to Dave at rochestertennis1@gmail.com , and the rest of you to me maksimlecic@hotmail.com. The women's singles league will be reporting scores to me as well.

Dave created a nice spreadsheet that should make updating standings easier and faster . I was able to embed it into our web site via google docs and we will test how it works in the coming session . We think it will work well but please keep an eye on your standings and let us know if you see any errors.

Christoper Jones will be overseeing the doubles league. Please send your doubles scores to him at cjones@chatham.edu He will be your go to person for any issues regarding scheduling or missed matches. Aside from this , Chris will write doubles league blog. I already have it set up for him but will let you know when it it's linked to the doubles web site.

Inter league play
As our returning players know, we try to set up two inter-league matches each summer with FAT League (Farmington Area Tennis League). We have been meeting in Cannon Falls for the past two seasons, but this year we might try to set up couple of meets in our own towns. Our RTL team captain Keegan Hakala will be assembling our roster once we get closer to the first meet. We are hoping to set it up in late June. The meets between these two teams have been a lot of fun and we hope to have a good turnout this year.

So long for now , have fun out on the courts.

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