May 9, 2011

Newsletter #2

Week #2 brought us much better weather and I am sure you appreciated not playing in 40's. We completed 21 matches , and had 3 forfeits. It was another solid effort to finish matches on time.
Record participation
As of now, we have 72 players in the league which is the record participation since the league started in 2006. We have 56 players in men's and 16 in women's league. Hopefully this trend will continue and the league will keep expanding. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions to make it better.
I wanted to remind everyone that players are allowed to take two extensions per a session. An extension lets you play your match on Tuesday, and they have to be requested by the Monday night deadline. If one of the two players used up both extensions, and they are not able to play by Monday night deadline they have to forfeit. An extension is nice safety net to avoid DNP, but it kind of cuts your next week short possibly causing a domino effect that can push your next round in an extension as well.
Not showing up for a scheduled match
Fortunately this doesn't happen often. Please be considerate to your opponents, and their time. If something comes up and you can't make it, let your opponent know . Otherwise if I see a pattern of not showing up for a scheduled match , or missing majority of matches I will have to remove players from the league. I am not going to let one player ruin the experience for the rest of you. We have people on the waiting list eager to get in and play every week so they will be more than happy to fill in.

Players looking to play more
As some of you know I created a forum on our web site so players who are looking to play more than one match a week can post their availability. Even though I thought it was agood ide the forum never really took off.
So instead we will create a list of players who are interested to play extra matches. If you would like to get on this list please e mail me back.
The forum will still be there so you can still post your availability.
Women's league
We added another player to the women's league so now we have 16. Week one started with 6 matches completed and 2 forfeits. Scores and standings are updated at the link below

So long for now have a great week.

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