June 30, 2015

Session II

Hello everyone

Session II for RTL singles starts Monday June 22nd. Your   schedule is posted on  links below.
Feel free to schedule and play matches even before the official start date if you would like.

Men's league schedule

Women's league schedule

We have 9 divisions in men's again, women's singles is  down to 2 divisions and there are 15 players in the casual division. 
There is only one open spot left (division 5 ) which I expect to fill by Monday. 

Reporting scores

Please email your scores by Monday night to the correct  organizer. League organizers dedicate a lot of their time to keep the league rolling smoothly  so please   help us out  by taking  responsibility for sending results  on time.
Winners usually report scores but even if you lose a match please check to see if your score has been entered otherwise you might end up with a DNP if your opponents forgets.
 If you don't end up playing a match let us know if it should be DNP (mutual unavailability) or if one of the players forfeits 0-6,0-6. Those two scores are quite a bit different (DNP both players lose 0.5 points and forfeit is recorded 6-0,6-0 winner gets 3 points and his opponent  that forfeits 0)

We won't be sending reminders about pending scores. 
Unreported matches will be labeled DNP (both players lose 0.5 points). 
This will be enforced without exceptions ,  late results will not be accepted.  Cut-off time is 11:59pm Monday night unless players take an extension which moves report deadline to 11;59pm Tuesday.  In the past,  some exceptions were made to  allow amending  DNP scores if you email your score  late. This will not be allowed  any longer. 

 Please email  scores as follows :

Divisions 1 and 5 email scores to Dave P at rochestertennis1@gmail.com
Divisions 2, 6, and 7 to me at maksimlecic@hotmail.com
Divisions 3 and 4 to John F johnrf64@gmail.com
Divisions 8 and 9 to Lisa at rothschilds@charter.net
All divisions email your scores to Merry at merrysnowshine@gmail.com

Contact list
You can view the contact list  on the links below . 
Please  make sure your info is correct and save the link for future reference.



Have a great session and let me know if you have any questions.

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