May 30, 2013

Newsletter #3

We have been fighting some extreme weather elements from the start of the season and I just wanted to thank you again for trying your best to schedule and complete your matches before the deadline. After 4 rounds, despite all the rain and snow  we managed to complete 88% of the matches.
Week #4 was the toughest one so far. Holiday weekend and relentless rain caused us to miss  13 matches out of 54 scheduled  . We do have a couple of people that have been missing matches due to injuries as well.  Hopefully we will get more dry days next week and scheduling matches becomes easier.

Here is a refresher about recording  incomplete matches. Sometimes despite all the effort players don't get to complete a match by the deadline. In this case we can record this match a forfeit or DNP.  If one of the players had very limited availability we expect him/her to forfeit the match . That way the other player that was available doesn't get penalized for missing a match. Forfeits are  recorded 6-0,6-0 FF in favor of the available player.
DNP (did not play) score is used if both players had availability but due to conflicting schedules  they couldn't get the match done. In this instance both players get penalized for missing the match by losing 0.5 points from their total. We try to leave it to the players to forfeit their own matches. We hope that they will show good sportsmanship and forfeit when they feel like they were not flexible enough . Either way, please e mail us by the deadline  and let us know if you couldn't get it done.   I try to stay away from arbitrating  disputes and forcing forfeits. It's a difficult and time consuming task to do it  every week.    I hope players would settle this among each other but if you have a questions or you are not sure how we should call the match drop me an e mail.

Session II Sign-up
Registration for session II is under way, we hope to have  another strong turnout. Please sign up by June 7th, after that date I won't be able to guarantee you a spot in session II.
 Normally we have  a large turnover in between two session. We lose some players but others come back and new players join in . With 16 players in the wild card groups waiting to fill spots in the main draw, we should  have an easy transition.   We should know fairly soon how many of the current players are coming back. If you are dropping out for the next session please email me as well so we can plan better.

Sign up fees
Seems like there is some confusion about sign up fees for  those of you that joined the league for the first time this spring. This is explained in the "about" section of our web site,  but here it is again.

New players that joined us for the first time this year ,  are required to pay $10 per each  session they attend during their first season. So for each session they  have to register online and pay $10. If you end up playing all 3 sessions your total is $30 and after initial year  the league is free. All players returning from the  last year are playing for free this year.
One  sign up fee in amount of $10 covers your participation in multiple league (singles, doubles, women's) for that session.
Donations and awards
 Anyone can make a voluntary donation to support the league  by using paypal button on the side of this blog or on our home page.
 Depending on how many donations we receive and how many new players join us ,  we  pass some  gift card awards to session II divisional winners  and  trophies for session III champions.

As we are getting closer to the end of session I, here is a little reminder about standings. If two or more players end up with same number of points at the end of the session, their head to head result will determine who is ahead. If they had a tie, or DNP then game differential from all 7 matches determines who is ahead. This rule can determine  who is moving up or down for the next session so I just wanted to make sure everyone is aware of it . As we update standings throughout the session, game differential is built in the standings so player with better game differential is ahead. This will be adjusted after the last match so head to head rule is reflected in the final standings.

Moving up and down
Top two players in each division are guaranteed to move a level up  for session II, and bottom two generally should  drop a level down .
We always have a good number of players that drop out in between sessions  so some of you might get bumped up even if you were third in your division or stay in your division even if you were 7th place. .Sixteen  players from the wild card divisions will be filling openings in the main draw, and they will be placed according to their session I results (top players will be filling spots in the upper divisions and bottom ones in the lower.

Supplying balls
Here are results from the poll that we conducted regarding the issue of supplying balls for league matches.

44 people responded (I think we have around 130 players in the league)

6 people voted for option #1 (one can is used to play match, second can goes to the winner)
25 people voted for option #2 (racket spin at the beginning of the match determines who's balls are used )
11 people voted for option #3 (no recommendations/rules are needed about this issue)

2 players had their own suggestions.
-Assign home and away player on the schedule , so one of them gets to buy balls.
-Charge an entry fee to buy balls that would be distributed for league matches.

Both of these are  good and  fair  suggestions , but I thought we needed something simpler and less time consuming since the issue is so minor that 2/3 of the league didn't even bother to respond to the poll and many of you that did respond commented that over the years you never had any issues with this.

If we have to set a recommendation,  I think option #2 seems simple and fair. It's supported by majority and we can apply it from now on.

Both players are still expected to bring a new can to every match. Players spin the racket , winner can chose to serve or return and loser picks side of the court and opens a new can of balls that will be used for the match.

Again, this is only a recommendation not a hard set rule.

So long for now, have a great week.

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